Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Nottingham Library Post

Not much to say.
My day off being today means I probably wont get another one for 10days.
Not much has happened got told off for not being more enthusiastic on Problem Solving.


Thursday, 17 May 2007

My Blog

My blog is infrequent because my internet access is severely limited there is no internet that i can use at PGL so I have to go to town to use the net and I only get 1 day off a week

Caythorpe Court Post

Hey everyone woohoo first day off in 12 days, I've been in England for 3 weeks and 4 days now
been at Caythorpe Court for 2 weeks and 3 days or something like that its in the middle of nowhere and the male to female ratio is something like 8 to 1 at least there is a bar on site so I can drown my sorrows.
I'm in Lincoln right now in the library writing this, I'm enjoying myself but I miss New Zealand alot.
Ok so whats happened to me in the last 2 weeks
Not much really Ive got my own room which is really good ive been stealing furniture from other vacant rooms to stock mine.
Instructing the good groups is great but i dont know if they offset the really bad groups enough Im getting taught to instruct in Trapeze and Climb and start getting trained on Open Canoe on friday which Ive been told is a NRQ.
Drinking alot being bored alot
Really tempted to transfer Im going to try to transfer to the centre in Spain one of the options there is diving and that would be awesome to insruct, if not might try for Boreatton Park since it has girls.
Yes I kow this post is a rant Ive been working for the last 12 days so not much has happened to me.

Edit: And yes i know this post has no structure.